Well, hasn`t been once I have been called crazy doing this that I love called basketball. But hey people if Im crazy what your verdict on the people throwing granades in Malmoe, killing people with knifes in a IKEA store in Västerås or all armys killing innocent humans around the world.
So Im crazy......hmmm. But I guess there is something good with beeing crazy also, when used the right way.
Now Im sitting here in my castle writting a blogg once again and another season starts for real in 6 days. Strange cirumstances brought m back to Malmoe and Malbas Basketball once again and this time it feels like Im in totally new club. So much more positive and adding to that is that the mens team made it back to the LEAGUE for this season which is great for everybody.
But its not that only......the atmosphere is just different among, players, coaches and people behind the scenes. Malbas with Malmoe as its city (3rd largest in sweden) has potential to be a real powerhouse, but has never been near that in modern times. Are we as a club, as a city on that path now?
I truly believe so!
With smart decisions and slowly building the whole club I think we can be that powerhouse that the south of sweden so desperatly needs. We need to get bigger as a club and that is not done in a couple of months. A coach from denmark wrote something that I will aways remember in a discussion about why basketball in denmark wasnt bigger, recruitment of kids and so on.
It was something like this "Give me a coach and there will be a bunch of kids playing" the solution is pretty easy, but at the same time it one of the hardest things for all clubs. Finding coaches that are willing to put in a tremendous amount of hours often in the end paying for their own existence as coach. Taking vacation days from work to go to tournaments, skipping family events because of games ( yeah I know some want to skip these) going directly from work to the gym and on their way to the gym picking up their kids to be a few minutes late. Getting there as fast as possible only to get critizes for beeing late.
Most coaches reality in Sweden or the nordics is not a fulltime employment, 50%/25% emplyoment, but some little amount that barely covers their costs to be a coach.
I guess more people than me are crazy! :-)
But regardless the coach`s situation all is expected to be profesional in their coaching, behaivor and planning and more. Thats crazy!
Clubs needs to to make it easier to be a coach and the solution is not only money, but its def a part of it in todays society.
Im starting work this week at malbas and this will be big part of my responsability to create a "happier place" for the coaches in the club. Will be an exciting season to say the least for once I`m truly put in a situation the make a change.
And this is a change I truly hope I can get done if giving the time o do so. Because this is not something that is changed in a heartbeat either.
Malbas is changing - We are on a mission and Im glad Im on point!
And like I wrote earlier, you can be crazy and still be good human, but the world is looking crazier and crazier for each year. I grew up being a big fan of two Michaels. One was Michael Jordan and another was Michael Jackson. I can honestly say I hated Jordan and I never shed a tear, but a few of michaels songs has made me cry rivers.
Here is a great song and WE should all start taking some responsability in making the world a better place. Not to care is NOT the solution that much I know for sure!
Monday, August 10, 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
It took a lot of years....
......but finally its in the making. Will start up with one of my babies that has been just a plan until now and that is a CAMP concept that will be held 5 times per year and up on request.
Many many years ago I started summer practice in my childhood club LOBAS that I called
DRILLS FOR SKILLS, tough planned practices that covered most of what there is to cover for a baller in development.
Totally I offered 25 hours practice/week + 3 hours of open gym, crazy I know :-)
My first DRILLS FOR SKILLS CAMP will be a four day camp in cooperation with my childhood club, so this dream I have had for so many years starts at the same place where I dreamt of having basketball as my craft. So it couldnt be more suiting. going back to where it once began, to start something new, but still old.
Drills for skills Camps, will be held at dates/places that later will announced.
Its also possible to ask for other dates and if its possible to fit the calender it can be done.
First camp will be held now in june 2015 and its already full, so depending how its goes I will kick it into full GEAR or rethink it.
It will not be the kind of camp you are used too that I can promise. It will only be suitable for players with good work ethic.
Because otherwise you willl waste your parents money and dont show up after day 1.
More on this later...webbpage and so on will be launched this summer.
Many many years ago I started summer practice in my childhood club LOBAS that I called
DRILLS FOR SKILLS, tough planned practices that covered most of what there is to cover for a baller in development.
Totally I offered 25 hours practice/week + 3 hours of open gym, crazy I know :-)

Drills for skills Camps, will be held at dates/places that later will announced.
Its also possible to ask for other dates and if its possible to fit the calender it can be done.
First camp will be held now in june 2015 and its already full, so depending how its goes I will kick it into full GEAR or rethink it.
It will not be the kind of camp you are used too that I can promise. It will only be suitable for players with good work ethic.
Because otherwise you willl waste your parents money and dont show up after day 1.
More on this later...webbpage and so on will be launched this summer.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Börjar skymta en OAS i öknen
Längesen man hittade tangentbordet och var aktiv här på sidan, men har varken funnits intresse eller ork från min sida att skriva nåt.
Man kan ju hoppas att detta blir bra då :-)
Efter 22år som coach i denna underbara sport varav 4 år i Danmark (Hörsholm) via en kort sejour i Norge, så hamnade jag i Skåneklubben Malbas. Malbas har under flera år byggt upp en stark herr/killsida och det kändes mest rätt att erbjuda mina tjänster i en klubb med ambitioner.
Blev erbjuden intressanta lag och kom igång om än sent, så efter en kort paus så var man igång igen på golvet. Tränar bla ett killag med spelare födda 2001 och för deras basketframtid och alla andra spelare i SKÅNE med ambitioner så kom till slut nyheten att MALBAS valde att söka till Basketligan. UNDERBART!

Hur skall man motivera spelare om de inte kan se "de bästa" i landet lira LIVE. NBA och Euroleague i all ära, men de allra allra flest kommer aldrig vara i närheten av dessa ligor. Inte fel med drömmar, men måste också finnas rimliga trappsteg att ta som spelare.
LIGAN till säsongen 2015/2016 vill ju vara fantastiskt, men än är man inte där med båda fötterna. Sportsligt sett så är klubben i LIGAN, men nu fattas bara riktigt god korv på matcherna!?
Nope korven "är najs", men nu skall det ekonomiska på plats och hur är intresset egentligen i SKÅNE?
Finns en hel del basketfolk ute i näringslivet på chefspositioner, som har egna företag men är man villig att stoppa in lite "deg" för att Malbas skall kunna baka bröd?
Kan basketSKÅNE sluta upp under ett basketligalag på herrsidan, som det delvis har blivit på damsidan med Eos damligalag?
Förstår ALLA i skåne vikten av att ha ett ligalag på herr & damsidan eller vill man bara leka i sin egen klubb och jaga pokaler för sitt klubbemblem eller vill VI mer än så?
Vill vi skapa ligaspelare, collegespelare, proffs spelare en framtid för skånska spelare att leva på sin idrott på hemmaplan?
Kan klubbar känna stolthet i att skicka vidare spelare till ligalagen i SKÅNE?
Konceptet HETA SKÅNE var inte illa tänkt förutom namnet och genomförandet, men i alla fall för denna basketidioten så måste ALLA med på nåt hörn i Malbas ligasatsning för att vi skall kunna göra OASEN större i basketöknen.
Jag kan tillsammans med många andra duktiga coacher lära kidsen spela basket, men kanske du har "degen" eller lite tid över, så att vi kan sluta stirra på recept och börja baka!?
Eller kanske du kan bidra med nåt annat?
Vi borde ALLA bidra med allt vi kan "deg" eller inte så kan vi alla bidra med något inte minst att komma på matcherna.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
RIP Dean Smith
RIP Coach Dean Smith.
A man that dedicated his life to basketball and helped to shape the G.O.A.T of basketball in Michael Jordan . We have lots to be grateful to a basketball/leadeership/teaching brain like Dean Smith was. For me he gave me one thing i particular. Many years ago I bought one of his books where he explained coming to North Carolina and at that time the university was all about fotball and basketball was not highly thought of. The had been banned from TV games for a couple of years, so recruiting wasn`t the easiest the first years.
What Dean did was no cry about, he tried to find solutions. Basketball program needed money, so for example he had them put in special comfortable chairs for sponsors.
He had the locker room re-designed so it would look more like a PRO locker room to make recruitment easier and his reasoning was. The LR is the first thing a player sees everyday and the last thing the see. He tried simply solutions to promote his baskeball program and it eventually became one of the powerhouses in college basketball.
With this I learned it is all right to complain, but make sure you do all you can o find a solution so that your team, club and especially your players can be succesfull. Your job as a coach is not just to coach the players on the court.
You need to create a learning/suiting enviroment so they can develop and become winners in basketball and life.
Thank you!
A man that dedicated his life to basketball and helped to shape the G.O.A.T of basketball in Michael Jordan . We have lots to be grateful to a basketball/leadeership/teaching brain like Dean Smith was. For me he gave me one thing i particular. Many years ago I bought one of his books where he explained coming to North Carolina and at that time the university was all about fotball and basketball was not highly thought of. The had been banned from TV games for a couple of years, so recruiting wasn`t the easiest the first years.
What Dean did was no cry about, he tried to find solutions. Basketball program needed money, so for example he had them put in special comfortable chairs for sponsors.
He had the locker room re-designed so it would look more like a PRO locker room to make recruitment easier and his reasoning was. The LR is the first thing a player sees everyday and the last thing the see. He tried simply solutions to promote his baskeball program and it eventually became one of the powerhouses in college basketball.
With this I learned it is all right to complain, but make sure you do all you can o find a solution so that your team, club and especially your players can be succesfull. Your job as a coach is not just to coach the players on the court.
You need to create a learning/suiting enviroment so they can develop and become winners in basketball and life.
Thank you!
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