Monday, November 15, 2010

What has Iron Man to do with basketball?

Well, at first of course nothing but when you start to look into it, you will find lots of common stuff. Tonight I will have the pleasure of listening to Torbjørn Sindballe a double world champion in Iron Man competition I tell you thats one tought son of b*tch.

One of the things that we can learn of the non teamsports is their mental toughness and how they dont blame other for failure.Normally the non teamsports athleets have much better selfawarness and mentally they are stronger. The have like I wrote no one else the blame, so the better be prepaired.

Another thing is that they often take much more responsability in their own training, if they dont train the will fail, they have nobody to hide behind or to change with on a bad day.

Hopefully most of our 50 coaches in the club will come and listen tonight.


  1. Yes, been visiting a couple of times now and added you on my blog as my friend. Just to lure more readers to you.

    Keep up the good work. Hoppas att allt är bra i Danmark och fortsätt lär kids spela den underbaraste av alla underbara sporter. Basket!

  2. Thx, trivs skitbra hær i DK och læra ut basket kommer jag aldrig sluta med. :-)
